Term 1 - 2025

Lokasi: Online via Zoom meeting

Harga: Rp 2.950.000


After completing the Intermediate levels, you can proceed to Advanced 1 and 2 levels with a total of 100 meeting hours. At this level, you will use the Help 3 teaching material. You will be trained to reach level B.2 (based on the CEFR). You will be expected to be able to hold a long conversation and respond to questions from your interlocutor in Dutch. You will be able to follow and understand a text and answer questions about it. Furthermore, you will also be expected to be able to fill in various forms and write a report or an official letter.

Syarat Mendaftar

- Minimum age must be 15 years old or 10th grade high school, and a maximum of 65 years old. - For ETC course participants: Those who passed Advanced 1 level six or more months previously will be required to take a placement test. - For non-ETC course participants: Those who have basic Dutch knowledge will be required to take a placement test. Placement test fee is Rp. 150,000.


Saturday Afternoon
26 April 2025
12 Juli 2025
Jam (WIB)
13:00 — 17:30

Formulir Pendaftaran

Peserta Kursus Baru

Buat akun baru

Kelas yang dipilih:

Dutch Advanced 1 (online)


Harga kursus: -
Harga buku: -
Harga kursus total: -
Potongan harga: -
Biaya tambahan: -
Total: -
Kode kupon:

Cara Pembayaran

Pendaftar Ulang

Masuk akun Anda

Kelas yang dipilih:

Dutch Advanced 1 (online)


Harga kursus: -
Harga buku:
Hubungi kami jika Anda saat ini berdomisili di luar negeri, karena pengurangan biaya kursus tanpa buku akan berlaku.
Harga kursus total: -
Potongan harga: -
Biaya tambahan: -
Total: -
Kode kupon:

Cara Pembayaran