Term 1 - 2025

Lokasi: Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. S-3 Jakarta 12950, Indonesia

Harga: Rp 2.100.000


The Children’s programme is aimed at children aged 10-14 years using an active, fun and participative teaching methodology in the classroom. The programme is divided into three levels, namely Kinderklas A, B and C. Children who have completed class A can continue on to Kinderklas B. Topics to be discussed in the Kinderklas B course include hobbies, holidays, asking for or providing directions, food and drinks, shopping, celebrations, places to stay etc. The children will continue to be taught how to compose simple sentences in Dutch using plural forms, inversion sentences, comparisons and use of position verbs (staan, liggen, zitten, hangen) etc. The vocabulary they will learn includes animal names, adjectives, words related to hobbies, holidays, feelings etc. All of this is taught along with correct spelling and intonation in Dutch.

Syarat Mendaftar

Requirements: (1) Completed children programme (Kinderklas) level A at ETC. (2) Children/young teenagers between the ages of 10 and 14. (3) A placement level test is required for postponing two course periods or having basic Dutch or comparable to level B of children programme in another institution.


Kinderklas B
12 April 2025
21 Juni 2025
Jam (WIB)
08:30 — 11:30

Formulir Pendaftaran

Peserta Kursus Baru

Buat akun baru

Kelas yang dipilih:

Children Club B


Harga kursus: -
Harga buku: -
Harga kursus total: -
Potongan harga: -
Biaya tambahan: -
Total: -
Kode kupon:

Cara Pembayaran

Pendaftar Ulang

Masuk akun Anda

Kelas yang dipilih:

Children Club B


Harga kursus: -
Harga buku:
Hubungi kami jika Anda saat ini berdomisili di luar negeri, karena pengurangan biaya kursus tanpa buku akan berlaku.
Harga kursus total: -
Potongan harga: -
Biaya tambahan: -
Total: -
Kode kupon:

Cara Pembayaran